You guys for sure having a hard time believing this. Especially you girls, Aisyah Pahmi and Syaza. Imran (the little boy in my previous post about congkak) love this movie. REALLY!
REAAAALLLLY? awww,tak sangka nya! since when die suka tgk citer citer mcm tuh? this is shocking. Tak sangka die minat pulak,haih. Budak2 zaman skrg nih,macamacam. ahahah
Born on March 30th, 1992. A Muslim and live in Malaysia. An undergraduate TESL-ian. Chocolate, ice-cream and cheddar cheese are my guilty pleasure. The simplest things can make me happy.
awww,tak sangka nya!
since when die suka tgk citer citer mcm tuh? this is shocking. Tak sangka die minat pulak,haih. Budak2 zaman skrg nih,macamacam. ahahah
me too i like this movie :D
its not about girl!
its about LOVE:)
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