tanda-tanda anda bayi tahun 90-an: for the sake of old times....:P
kita membesar dgn menonton Masked Rider, Jet-man, Transformers, Thundercats, Flyman, Ultraman, Chipmunks and MickeyMouse. Not to forget Ninja Turtles, Doraemon, PowerRangers, Tomatoman dan Voltron.
berus gigi time waktu rehat kat skolah rendah? hmm, mesti pegang cawan warna-warni kan? mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn classmates semua kat seblah... ingat tak, misi kat skolah masuk kelas dgn list dentist appointment. pastu bunyi gigi member kite kene gerudi kat bilik sebelah. ada gigi yang berlubang, kene laa tampal.
ni sure korang igt... program minum susu di skolah. nak galakkan budak2 time tuh minum susu. sekotak 50 sen jek beb...
cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris panjang warna kuning tu. pukul tapak tangan...kan?
semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke, 50sen jek kat kantin. Air cwn kck 10 sen ja time skolah rendah, korang sure beli kasut skolah Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz. ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china tu... ada yang suka stoking tebal laaa...
internet? email? mendalah ape tu? CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr. tiket wayang pun5 ringgit je...tgk wayang time ari raya jee...tuh laa paling best masa jadi bebudak.
kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee, KumKum, UFO, Tora, igt iklan Tora... "TORADATANG LAGI DENGAN.." DingDang chocolate balls yang ada mainan kat dlm die, 'telur' keras warnawarni, 'rokok' chewing gum, KIKI BubbleGum.. Chewing gum hitam putih tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'. bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey la, HappyFamily, Snap laa dlm class.
tapi bunyi loceng laa yang paling best skali. boleh beli aiskrim ngan apek kat luar skola tuh...
lagi satu loceng masa nak pegi rehat. tinggal kan keje skolah, jom kita pegi makan. budak2 yg dpt Rancangan Makanan Tambahan(RMT) mesti kluar awal.
lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan Jasmani, PJ. main bola laa, rounders laa... permainan kegemaran, main guli, batu seremban, penutup botol, batang aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three', 'Police &Sentry', kejar2 duduk, galah panjang.. kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10sen. yang tube aiskrim, ada byk2 color tu. kalau nak makan, kene patahkan kat tengah2 die!
lipat kertas kecik2, pastuh buat lastik. hmmm.. ni pun kita main dulu ni. baling2 kapur laa.. buat topeng gunakertas la...
hmm...budak2 kat sekolah rendah skarang, kebanyakan nye lahir thn 1996/97. skarang digelar 'BEBUDAK'. bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr lagu'We Are the World, We Are the Children...' dan lagu 'Uptown Girl' yang diorg tau, yg Westlife nyanyi....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...mana tau Nirvana..Kurt Cobain tuh diorang igt apa ntah...bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni, dan ade satu je Vietnam. AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir. CD pun wujud time diorg lahir. Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu. Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu filem2 baru. Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih or biru putih utk sebuah komputer. skang semua pakai cd jaa..PsOne,Ps2,Xbox...Wii. Diorg tak percaya penah ada TV hitam putih...dan diorg skarang tak reti nak switch on TV kalau xde remote control. dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh survive dkt sekolah menengah tanpa handphone...hmm...
jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:
1. korg paham ape yang korang baca katatas ni, dan korg sure tersenyum
2. kebanyakan member2 skolah rendah kite dah hilang entah kemana
3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer, selamba je
4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah rendah guna handphone..dulu handphone besar penyepak..
5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui telefon lagi setiap hari
6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa, seronok bile bersembang pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2 kelakar yang kite alami mase dulu time kecik2, dulu...
7. last skali, bile dah bace ni,korang akan terpikir utk forwardkan dkt member2 lame korg. Sure diorg suke punyelaa...hehehe
Yaa, umor kita dh semakin meningkat!! Teringat zaman2 dulu kan? Cheers to us!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Canteen Day
Akan jd best ke? Org luar lgsg xboleh dtg and kene belajar?! BELAJAR? wtf. Nasib baik lah ajk xperlu. And Ju Yi want me to be dunk. So, we'll see la Ju Yi.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Teachers Of Today
There's one teacher who sleep during our lesson in class. Like in the P Ramlee's Movie. 'Kasim Selamat' I think. And the way that teacher slept was hilarious!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Shocking News
Friday, June 20, 2008
June 20
Well, it started with a hectic morning and continue with lazy afternoon and end up with a fun evening.
I was playing basketball this evening. With Ientan (as in Megat Mohd Intan), Amir, Mei, Hazim, Jay, Megat Fazly (I don't know if I spell his name corectly), and Lina. Hazim and Mei got a small injury. Then lepak for awhile with Acoi, Kalid, Arep, and Ahmed before Mei and I went home.
I was playing basketball this evening. With Ientan (as in Megat Mohd Intan), Amir, Mei, Hazim, Jay, Megat Fazly (I don't know if I spell his name corectly), and Lina. Hazim and Mei got a small injury. Then lepak for awhile with Acoi, Kalid, Arep, and Ahmed before Mei and I went home.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
School : June 18
Masa Mei ckp sy da lama xblog, terus tergerak hati nk tulis ape jd hari ni dlm BM.
1. Perhimpunan mcm xleh lama lg. Masa Pn Kamilah buat announcement nth nape, dia byk tegur pelajar. Jd lg pnjg la announcement dia. Mungkin psl 3K. Hakim nk dtg Jumaat ni. ada la lg beberapa kerja yg masih blm siap.
2. Msk Math lmbt. Entah apa diajar, aku xphm. Nasib baik ada kwn membantu. Trimas. Sempat la hantar.
3. Masa Sejarah lak, ckg xajar. Saya dan Bie (HAHA) keluar lah merayau, menjenguk mereka yg tgh buat mural. Kacau lah Hazim yg dah dkt 2bln saya xjumpa walaupun berjiran dan Afiq yg entah kenapa lain hari ni (ke aku yg lain?). Naik kelas Hana, Atikah dan saya bersembanglah dgn ckg. Bie tidur. Keluarlah cerita zmn muda mudi, cerita hantu dan sbgnya. Smpai lah waktu rehat.
4. Lepas rehat, saya msk physic lmbt. Nasib baik xbelajar. Sekadar bincang paper mid year. Kerana baik hati Hana, Bie dan saya, tlg pgg kn kertas exam teman rapat sekelas dan kira markah mereka.
5. Then BM. Mula2 igt nk skip, tp mls lak. Jd dok la dlm kls buat lthn tatabahasa. Ye, nama je saya org melayu. Tatabahasa pun xbetul lg. Kene belajar lg.
6. Chemistry. Saya skip. Hajar, Hazim S dan Atikah kata dia marah. Tp Hajar kata dia xmarah sgt sbb saya da hantar PEKA. SO agak selamat lah. Entah kenapa hari ni sgt mls nk belajar. Mungkin sbb _____ xde. Entah. Masa tu jgk lah Hujan. Masa ni saya ddk di pondok dengan Nadia, Yana, Janjan, Arep, Syeefa, Cheeza, Hajar, Hana, Nabil, Izhar, Ahmed, Ientan dan lain2.
7. Lps da habis kls chemistry saya pg jumpa Hazim S sbb kene jumpa Pn Zakiah. Kene kemas koperasi sikit. Then, pg la lepak blk seni sbb kantin ramai org and kalau ddk kat dwn nk sembang xdgr. Jd masa kat situ saya kacau Hazim tgh tidur. Kesian dia, kepenatan. Hujan masih xberenti. xtau mcm mana nk blk. Jd ddk lah kat kantin ngn Arep, Ahmed, Cheeza dan Ientan. Sembang2. Then dorg blk saya ddk dgn Mei dan Aisyah. Cerita hari usahawan. Hujan masih xberenti. Masa nmpk Naim blk dr NZ, sy terus ajak dia blk. Sbb hujan tgh renyai masa tu. Jd dlm kebatukan kami pun berjalan kaki ke rumah bersama2. Saya cerita dkt dia psl A and B. Dia kata apa yg saya buat tu bgs walaupun menghancurkan hati sendiri. Trimas Naim. Kau kwn baik terbaik pernah aku ada.
8. Sampai rumah terus mnd. Turun bwh je tlg Kak Yah buat karipap walaupun xpernah la buat. Tp mula2 xnk buat. Igt kn nk buat bnda lain dgn tepung tu. Then buat lah jugak. Kecik je. Sebesar pemadam saya. Ada la bentuk karipap. Agak berjaya dan bangga la. Sbb ni kali pertama. Lps tu saya yg degil ini pergi amek ais krim dan mkn dlm keadaan tekak sakit dan batuk2 ni. Kalau _____ tau pasti dia marah. Tp xpe, dia ada org lain yg perlu lebih dirisaukan. Masa mkn Imran dtg mintak sikit tp saya xbg. Nak mkn sorg2. Mungkin kerana angin dia baik, dia xmerajuk.
9. Karipap da siap di goreng. Yay (ya, kedengaran sgt kebdk2kn) ! Mkn karipap dgn nikmat nye kerana da lama xmkn.
Jd itu lah serba sedikit cerita hari ni. skrg baru pukul 1806. Jd tu je lah cerita nya. Tp cerita semalam lg best. Kasut saya di bawa lari. Jd Jalan lah sy ke bilik SAL pinjam selipar then turun bwh mencari nya bersama2 Cheeza dan Ientan. Ientan jumpa kat luar skolah. MMg xmajal lah. Tanya mereka sapa buat. Mereka kata mungkin Pa'an atau Ckg Nizam, kerana mereka baling selipar Arep keluar.
_____ aku ____ kau. Tapi, kau tak tahu.
1. Perhimpunan mcm xleh lama lg. Masa Pn Kamilah buat announcement nth nape, dia byk tegur pelajar. Jd lg pnjg la announcement dia. Mungkin psl 3K. Hakim nk dtg Jumaat ni. ada la lg beberapa kerja yg masih blm siap.
2. Msk Math lmbt. Entah apa diajar, aku xphm. Nasib baik ada kwn membantu. Trimas. Sempat la hantar.
3. Masa Sejarah lak, ckg xajar. Saya dan Bie (HAHA) keluar lah merayau, menjenguk mereka yg tgh buat mural. Kacau lah Hazim yg dah dkt 2bln saya xjumpa walaupun berjiran dan Afiq yg entah kenapa lain hari ni (ke aku yg lain?). Naik kelas Hana, Atikah dan saya bersembanglah dgn ckg. Bie tidur. Keluarlah cerita zmn muda mudi, cerita hantu dan sbgnya. Smpai lah waktu rehat.
4. Lepas rehat, saya msk physic lmbt. Nasib baik xbelajar. Sekadar bincang paper mid year. Kerana baik hati Hana, Bie dan saya, tlg pgg kn kertas exam teman rapat sekelas dan kira markah mereka.
5. Then BM. Mula2 igt nk skip, tp mls lak. Jd dok la dlm kls buat lthn tatabahasa. Ye, nama je saya org melayu. Tatabahasa pun xbetul lg. Kene belajar lg.
6. Chemistry. Saya skip. Hajar, Hazim S dan Atikah kata dia marah. Tp Hajar kata dia xmarah sgt sbb saya da hantar PEKA. SO agak selamat lah. Entah kenapa hari ni sgt mls nk belajar. Mungkin sbb _____ xde. Entah. Masa tu jgk lah Hujan. Masa ni saya ddk di pondok dengan Nadia, Yana, Janjan, Arep, Syeefa, Cheeza, Hajar, Hana, Nabil, Izhar, Ahmed, Ientan dan lain2.
7. Lps da habis kls chemistry saya pg jumpa Hazim S sbb kene jumpa Pn Zakiah. Kene kemas koperasi sikit. Then, pg la lepak blk seni sbb kantin ramai org and kalau ddk kat dwn nk sembang xdgr. Jd masa kat situ saya kacau Hazim tgh tidur. Kesian dia, kepenatan. Hujan masih xberenti. xtau mcm mana nk blk. Jd ddk lah kat kantin ngn Arep, Ahmed, Cheeza dan Ientan. Sembang2. Then dorg blk saya ddk dgn Mei dan Aisyah. Cerita hari usahawan. Hujan masih xberenti. Masa nmpk Naim blk dr NZ, sy terus ajak dia blk. Sbb hujan tgh renyai masa tu. Jd dlm kebatukan kami pun berjalan kaki ke rumah bersama2. Saya cerita dkt dia psl A and B. Dia kata apa yg saya buat tu bgs walaupun menghancurkan hati sendiri. Trimas Naim. Kau kwn baik terbaik pernah aku ada.
8. Sampai rumah terus mnd. Turun bwh je tlg Kak Yah buat karipap walaupun xpernah la buat. Tp mula2 xnk buat. Igt kn nk buat bnda lain dgn tepung tu. Then buat lah jugak. Kecik je. Sebesar pemadam saya. Ada la bentuk karipap. Agak berjaya dan bangga la. Sbb ni kali pertama. Lps tu saya yg degil ini pergi amek ais krim dan mkn dlm keadaan tekak sakit dan batuk2 ni. Kalau _____ tau pasti dia marah. Tp xpe, dia ada org lain yg perlu lebih dirisaukan. Masa mkn Imran dtg mintak sikit tp saya xbg. Nak mkn sorg2. Mungkin kerana angin dia baik, dia xmerajuk.
9. Karipap da siap di goreng. Yay (ya, kedengaran sgt kebdk2kn) ! Mkn karipap dgn nikmat nye kerana da lama xmkn.
Jd itu lah serba sedikit cerita hari ni. skrg baru pukul 1806. Jd tu je lah cerita nya. Tp cerita semalam lg best. Kasut saya di bawa lari. Jd Jalan lah sy ke bilik SAL pinjam selipar then turun bwh mencari nya bersama2 Cheeza dan Ientan. Ientan jumpa kat luar skolah. MMg xmajal lah. Tanya mereka sapa buat. Mereka kata mungkin Pa'an atau Ckg Nizam, kerana mereka baling selipar Arep keluar.
_____ aku ____ kau. Tapi, kau tak tahu.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My 2008 So Far - Taken From Acoi
Have you had a relationship this year?
One month and half.
Have you had your birthday this year yet?
Have you kissed someone this month?
Drink at Starbucks?
Went shopping?
Window shopping. I just went shopping once or twice this year.
Went camping?
Just last 2 weeks.
Been to the beach?
Bought something for over £100?
Met someone special?
Been out of town?
Gone Snowboarding?
Malaysia takde snow. Kan Acoi?
What are you thinking about?
I want tuition.
Hugged someone?
Just yesterday.
Slept In someone else's bed?
Almost every day.
Loaned out some money?
Been called a bad name?
Drove/been driven somewhere out of your town?
Been driven, yes.
Done something you regret?
Last thing you bought?
A4 coloured papers and green file.
When was the last time you felt stupid?
Today, chemistry lab.
Who did you last yell at and why?
Adik, cause I asked her to come down.
What is bothering you right now?
Mid term results.
What do you think of your number 2 on your top friends?
Hahaha. Nature love her. Really.
Have you ever seen somebody get shot?
Do you want to be in a relationship?
I don't want to for the moment. I'm not ready. I don't know when I'll be ready for another one.
What are you looking forward to?
I don't know.
One month and half.
Have you had your birthday this year yet?
Have you kissed someone this month?
Drink at Starbucks?
Went shopping?
Window shopping. I just went shopping once or twice this year.
Went camping?
Just last 2 weeks.
Been to the beach?
Bought something for over £100?
Met someone special?
Been out of town?
Gone Snowboarding?
Malaysia takde snow. Kan Acoi?
What are you thinking about?
I want tuition.
Hugged someone?
Just yesterday.
Slept In someone else's bed?
Almost every day.
Loaned out some money?
Been called a bad name?
Drove/been driven somewhere out of your town?
Been driven, yes.
Done something you regret?
Last thing you bought?
A4 coloured papers and green file.
When was the last time you felt stupid?
Today, chemistry lab.
Who did you last yell at and why?
Adik, cause I asked her to come down.
What is bothering you right now?
Mid term results.
What do you think of your number 2 on your top friends?
Hahaha. Nature love her. Really.
Have you ever seen somebody get shot?
Do you want to be in a relationship?
I don't want to for the moment. I'm not ready. I don't know when I'll be ready for another one.
What are you looking forward to?
I don't know.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tag Survey
First Name: Nur
Nickname: Farah
Birthday: March 30, 1992
Birthplace: Hospital Daerah Kluang, Johor.
Time of Birth: I don't know.
Zodiac sign: Aries
--This or That--
Flower or Chocolate: Flower for my decoration, chocolate for my stomach.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
Rap or Rock: Rock.
Relationship or One Night Stand: Relationship.
School or Work: School
Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: For movie that catch my eyes, for music that catch my ears.
Country or City: Country for peace of mind and soul, city for fun.
Sunny days or Rainy days: Sunny for fun outing, rainy to get warm body next to mine.
Friends or Family: Definately with the letter F.
--Have you ever--
Lied: Yes.
Smoked: Not ciggerate, not syisya.
Broke someone's heart: Twice.
Had your heart broken: Twice.
Wish you were a prince/princess: Nahh.
Liked someone who was taken: Nope.
Shaved your head: Nahh.
Been in love: Before.
Used chopsticks: Not good at it.
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Just yesterday.
Flower: Baby breath.
Candy: Boy's fav. I forgot the name.
Song: Currently Time Of My Life by David C.
Scent: Body Shop Strawberry.
Color: Black, White, Blue.
Musical Instrument: Guitar.
Movie: Unlisted. But currently The Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian.
Actor/Actress: Chad Michael Murray/Sophia Bush.
Junk food: Potato Chips.
Animal: All, I'm animal lover.
Ever cried over someone: Yes.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: Perhaps.
Do you think you're attractive: I don't know.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Sleeping Beauty. XP
Do you play any sports: Basketball.
--List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people--
: I gained 10kg in less than 1 year.
: I eat a lot nowadays.
: I'm sort of a bed potato.
: I talk a lot.
: Dulu saya pernah nak jadi orang gaji. hahaha.
: Hugs makes me feel safe.
: My scream can make your ears pain.
: I love wearing heels.
I tag: Link list.
Nickname: Farah
Birthday: March 30, 1992
Birthplace: Hospital Daerah Kluang, Johor.
Time of Birth: I don't know.
Zodiac sign: Aries
--This or That--
Flower or Chocolate: Flower for my decoration, chocolate for my stomach.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
Rap or Rock: Rock.
Relationship or One Night Stand: Relationship.
School or Work: School
Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: For movie that catch my eyes, for music that catch my ears.
Country or City: Country for peace of mind and soul, city for fun.
Sunny days or Rainy days: Sunny for fun outing, rainy to get warm body next to mine.
Friends or Family: Definately with the letter F.
--Have you ever--
Lied: Yes.
Smoked: Not ciggerate, not syisya.
Broke someone's heart: Twice.
Had your heart broken: Twice.
Wish you were a prince/princess: Nahh.
Liked someone who was taken: Nope.
Shaved your head: Nahh.
Been in love: Before.
Used chopsticks: Not good at it.
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Just yesterday.
Flower: Baby breath.
Candy: Boy's fav. I forgot the name.
Song: Currently Time Of My Life by David C.
Scent: Body Shop Strawberry.
Color: Black, White, Blue.
Musical Instrument: Guitar.
Movie: Unlisted. But currently The Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian.
Actor/Actress: Chad Michael Murray/Sophia Bush.
Junk food: Potato Chips.
Animal: All, I'm animal lover.
Ever cried over someone: Yes.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: Perhaps.
Do you think you're attractive: I don't know.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Sleeping Beauty. XP
Do you play any sports: Basketball.
--List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people--
: I gained 10kg in less than 1 year.
: I eat a lot nowadays.
: I'm sort of a bed potato.
: I talk a lot.
: Dulu saya pernah nak jadi orang gaji. hahaha.
: Hugs makes me feel safe.
: My scream can make your ears pain.
: I love wearing heels.
I tag: Link list.
Monday, June 09, 2008
I have to be - as written at the subject - because I'm no longer jointed to him. So, stop saying to me that he's unfaithful or whatever. I have nothing to do with him. Yeah, we are friends now. So? It doesn't mean I need to know or keep an eye to all the things that he's doing. He know well what he's doing. Let us life our life. Can ha?
Holidays Is Over
For the past 14 days, I don't even touch any books - apart form story books. So today at school, when teachers are teaching - ada ke belajar hari ni?, I just keep my mouth shut because my brain is blank.
BTW, today we got on telivision. It's an educational television if I'm not mistaken. Edu Web TV or something. My fourth time, accidentally.
BTW, today we got on telivision. It's an educational television if I'm not mistaken. Edu Web TV or something. My fourth time, accidentally.
Sewing Part 3
Sunday, June 08, 2008
End Of Holidays
That means no more late night, no more lazying around, no more long hours hangouts and no more waking up in the afternoon. Gah! Also means I need to face all of the books, school books. Text books to be exact. Time flies very fast.
Tag Survey - Tag By Tyjah
How tall should they be?
I don't mind shorter. But not to short. Taller is great. But not to tall. Okay I'm around 163cm so he should be not more than 175cm (?)
What should they weigh?
Need to be a little bit fat than me.
What hair color should they have?
Black or dark brown.
What kind of personality should they have?
Honest, religious, caring, loving, compassionate, considerate, willing, a little bit adventureous, and some others.
Older or younger?
Not older and younger 3 years than me.
Serious or carefree?
Both, depends on sittuation.
Spontaneous or hesitant?
Again. Both, depends on sittuation.
Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
Yeah, bit of both.
Beautiful or intelligent?
Intelligent, but not super inttelligent. I can't stand with people that always talks about facts. And bit of beautiful.
Movie or a restaurant?
This is very depends.
What film actor should they most be like?
This is though. I don't know.
What singer should they most be like?
Mhmm, David Cook. hahaha.
Should they make all the money?
Do they need to cook?
They need to know how to cook.
What is their best body part?
I don't know. Abdomen maybe. haha.
What body part do you not care about?
I really don't know.
Desk job or physical labour?
Desk job.
What car should they drive?
Any car will do. Haha. But I can't really resist if he drive Mini Cooper or Beetle VW.
What one thing completely turns you off?
Rude, don't have hygine, uncivil, and some more.
What one thing completely turns you on?
Tall, good looking, know how to play guitar - and sing, well manered, a photographer, and some more.
Who do you wanna tag?
My whole Link ist.
How tall should they be?
I don't mind shorter. But not to short. Taller is great. But not to tall. Okay I'm around 163cm so he should be not more than 175cm (?)
What should they weigh?
Need to be a little bit fat than me.
What hair color should they have?
Black or dark brown.
What kind of personality should they have?
Honest, religious, caring, loving, compassionate, considerate, willing, a little bit adventureous, and some others.
Older or younger?
Not older and younger 3 years than me.
Serious or carefree?
Both, depends on sittuation.
Spontaneous or hesitant?
Again. Both, depends on sittuation.
Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
Yeah, bit of both.
Beautiful or intelligent?
Intelligent, but not super inttelligent. I can't stand with people that always talks about facts. And bit of beautiful.
Movie or a restaurant?
This is very depends.
What film actor should they most be like?
This is though. I don't know.
What singer should they most be like?
Mhmm, David Cook. hahaha.
Should they make all the money?
Do they need to cook?
They need to know how to cook.
What is their best body part?
I don't know. Abdomen maybe. haha.
What body part do you not care about?
I really don't know.
Desk job or physical labour?
Desk job.
What car should they drive?
Any car will do. Haha. But I can't really resist if he drive Mini Cooper or Beetle VW.
What one thing completely turns you off?
Rude, don't have hygine, uncivil, and some more.
What one thing completely turns you on?
Tall, good looking, know how to play guitar - and sing, well manered, a photographer, and some more.
Who do you wanna tag?
My whole Link ist.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Blue feat Asian Artists - One Love
Music is the only languange that the whole world understand and what tied us together. :)
Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity
Verse 1
Hold on brother hold on
The road is long. We’re on stony ground But I’m strong.
You ain't heavy
Verse 2
Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies
Colors don’t bind, oh no. What do they know?
They speak falsely
Here in my home I'll tell you what its all about
There's just one hope here in my heart
One love undivided
That's what it's all about
Please won't yo fall in one by one by one with me?
Fall in with me
Fall in fall in fall in with me
Verse 3
Push back sister won’t you push back?
Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on.
Yes I'm strong. You ain't heavy
Verse 4
Oh don’t you worry about that…
What we have shadows can’t deny
Don't you know it's now or never
[Bahasa Malaysia]
Bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya
Hati ke depan mencari yang sayang
shou qian shou da jia yi qi zou wo dai biao hua ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou
Verse 1
Hold on brother hold on
The road is long. We’re on stony ground But I’m strong.
You ain't heavy
Verse 2
Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies
Colors don’t bind, oh no. What do they know?
They speak falsely
Here in my home I'll tell you what its all about
There's just one hope here in my heart
One love undivided
That's what it's all about
Please won't yo fall in one by one by one with me?
Fall in with me
Fall in fall in fall in with me
Verse 3
Push back sister won’t you push back?
Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on.
Yes I'm strong. You ain't heavy
Verse 4
Oh don’t you worry about that…
What we have shadows can’t deny
Don't you know it's now or never
[Bahasa Malaysia]
Bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya
Hati ke depan mencari yang sayang
[Mandarin Phonetics]
shou qian shou da jia yi qi zou wo dai biao hua ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou
[Tamil Phonetics]
inthe payanam payanamm yen vettri thaagam anthee kaana kaalam naam vetri raagam…nanba nanba…
Yes I feel it in my bones and I will let it be known
No matter where I roam this is home sweet home
Sewing Part 2
Finally, I've finished my sewing after 4 days (?) I don't remember when did I started. I'll post the picture of the tote later. Memandangkan it's already 0444 and my head having ache, I'm going to sleep. I don't know at what time I'll get up today. So, sweet dreams folks.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Finally, Abah brought us to dentist. Well, I'm waiting for this time for years now. We woke up at 0600 and left home at about 0700. Went to Sungai Besi wait for the dentist to call us one by one. Adik just doing her check up. The dentist said she don't need bracess because her teeth is well done. But Along and I will have one. So the dentist check my teeth and took the pattern. I have no problem when she took the pattern for my lower teeth but when she want to take the pattern of my upper teeth, I felt like thrown up. Then they need to do another gum-like-purple-colour-ish stuff to take my upper teeth pattern again. So the dentist asked me to breath through my nose and move my feet thumb. So I did but when it almost done, I felt like thrown up again but thank god I didn't. So the next appointment will be on next Monday or Tuesday at MINDEF. I will do the x-ray first. And maybe in this month too I'll be wearing it. Don't ask me what colour I choose. Because I did at goverment dental. So I don't know if I can pick the colour. Dan Dan said we can but we have to pay some ammount. He done his bracess at MINDEF so maybe I'll discuss with abah and then with the dental. MAYBE. I want to have me bracess coloured. But I don't know if Abah allow me to.
When I'm the dentist room, I listened to some songs. One of is was Hujan's song, Ku Ingin Mau Tahu. So I told Along. I said, "Hujan ada lagu baru eyh? Ku Mau Kau Tahu." Then Along said, "Lagu tu da setahun da." OMG. How can I not know? When I'm the one who know first about Hujan way before they were famous than Along.
When I'm the dentist room, I listened to some songs. One of is was Hujan's song, Ku Ingin Mau Tahu. So I told Along. I said, "Hujan ada lagu baru eyh? Ku Mau Kau Tahu." Then Along said, "Lagu tu da setahun da." OMG. How can I not know? When I'm the one who know first about Hujan way before they were famous than Along.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Currenlty I am making a tote. Three quater done. Only the handle left. The sewing was really bad. Well, this is my first attemp sewing so you get the picture. Anyway, the tote was my first handmade stuff - I think apart from my handmade card, so I'm gonna use is no matter what - even the sewing suck.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Well, this evening I was playing congkak which is a Malay traditional game. It was like this, this boy down here - Imran, asked me to play with him. So I said yes and asked him to set all the things. How cruel I am. Hahaha. So yeah, he set the things up and we played. But when we play with him, we must take a look at him. Because sometime he do make mistakes when he played. So here are some of the pictures that I took when he was playing with Adik. I don't have pictures when I played with him because no one there to help me out and I was to lazy to take it myself using self timer and the camera was upstairs and my mom was using the dslr.

This is when his turn, playing it with glowing face.

I've fall in love with these songs now.
Time Of My Life by David Cook. :D
I been waiting for my dreams to turn into something I could believe in
And I'm looking for the magic rainbow on the horizon I couldn't see it
Until I let go, gave in love, watch all the bitterness burn
Now I'm coming alive body and soul
Feeling my world starts to turn
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
Holding onto things and vanish them to the air left me in pieces
But now I'm rising from the ashes finding my wings
And all that I needed was there all along within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
A mouth on the edge of forever ready to roar
Keeping my feet on the ground my arms open wide faces the sun
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
This is the time of my life…
The time of my life!
And this too. The Call by Regina Spektor. :D
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before
All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger ans stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Time Of My Life by David Cook. :D
I been waiting for my dreams to turn into something I could believe in
And I'm looking for the magic rainbow on the horizon I couldn't see it
Until I let go, gave in love, watch all the bitterness burn
Now I'm coming alive body and soul
Feeling my world starts to turn
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
Holding onto things and vanish them to the air left me in pieces
But now I'm rising from the ashes finding my wings
And all that I needed was there all along within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
A mouth on the edge of forever ready to roar
Keeping my feet on the ground my arms open wide faces the sun
And I'll taste every moment and living out loud
I know this is the time; this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
The time of my life
More than a name or face in the crowd
I know this is the time; this is the time of my life
This is the time of my life…
The time of my life!
And this too. The Call by Regina Spektor. :D
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before
All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger ans stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
What A Week
On Sunday night - I think, my sisters and I slept together at the living room. Along brought down all of the pillows. At first Adik already arrange our place - Along at the middle, Adik on the left and I on the right. But instead of sleeping in the middle, Along want to sleep on the right, Adik in the middle and I'm on the right. But I said, we need to sit how Adik have arrange. So we slept and bla bla bla.
Yesterday evening, my mom, Adik, Imran and I went out to Melawati area to look at those private, beautiful house of the loaded people. Took some photos but none form my shot were good enough. But here are some of the pictures I took in front of my house before we hit Melawati.

Last night when I was making Abah's Nescafe, I remembered when he tried to make one at Pakistan when we stayed overnight at Lahore. He need to stir the coffee with the packet because the hotel management don't prepare a tea spoon or any spoon. The cultelery in the room was only two mugs with the saucer. What a poor service. Plus the room was so dusty. I was laughing last night.
Yesterday evening, my mom, Adik, Imran and I went out to Melawati area to look at those private, beautiful house of the loaded people. Took some photos but none form my shot were good enough. But here are some of the pictures I took in front of my house before we hit Melawati.

Last night when I was making Abah's Nescafe, I remembered when he tried to make one at Pakistan when we stayed overnight at Lahore. He need to stir the coffee with the packet because the hotel management don't prepare a tea spoon or any spoon. The cultelery in the room was only two mugs with the saucer. What a poor service. Plus the room was so dusty. I was laughing last night.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tag Survey - Taken From Ikyn
What's your daily routine?
Bath, eat, drink, talk, laugh, breath, sleep.
What happens when we die?
face with the angels.
What do you think about Britney Spears?
I don't like her.
Do you know how to start a fire?
Aaaa, yes (?)
Don't you just love sunsets?
Have you ever camped outside of a theater to get into a movie the next day?
How did your day start off?
When's the next time you will see the person you like/love?
I don't like anyone.
Are you waiting for something?
School to start. I'm bored at home.
Last text message you received?
From Shah, about his brother's wedd.
Last myspace message you received?
Can't remember.
Does anyone hate you?
There must be.
Where are your siblings?
Upstairs, inside the room.
Who texted you the most?
No one in particular.
Are you happy with life?
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Are you a jealous person?
Not really.
If you could have one person with you right now, who would it be?
Lyqa Zulkifli please.
Do you miss anyone?
Look at my blog.
Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
Lyqa Zulkifli. Because she
Is there something you always wear?
Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
What are you going to do after this?
How's the weather today?
What time is it?
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I don't think so.
When is the next time you'll see your closest friends?
I don't know.
What were you doing this morning at 12am?
I still in my bed.
What radio station do you listen to the most?
Fly FM.
Where is your father?
What are you listening to?
The keyboard sound.
Who were the last 3 people to text you?
Shah, Cheeza, Iqbal.
Is there anything that you are craving right now?
Have you ever been arrested?
What do you need to be doing right now?
My bag.
Who do you hate?
No one in particular.
Do you get nerves lately?
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
Yes (?)
What were you doing at 6 pm friday night?
Still at Jusco.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Du-urh, yes.
Are you living in your home town?
What does your breath smell like?
I don't know.
On what day does/did your birthday fall on this year?
If there was a serial killer in your house, what would you do?
Invite him too the jail.
What if there were no phones?
I'll use the snail mail.
What if the door was two rooms over?
WTF (?)
What do you think about emo poetry?
I don't know. Depends on what it sounds.
If your dog got lost, would you offer money for its safe return?
I don't have dogs.
Have you ever got a celebrity's number off of the internet?
Not from internet. From my uncle's phone.
What should we do to the people who spam our inboxes?
Screw you.
If you had the choice to live with Paris Hilton, would you?
How about Johnny Depp? - yes Or Jessica Alba?
Do you like surveys, polls, or quizzes best?
Do you like macaroni and cheese?
Yes. Specially Hajar's and L's.
Is there anything on your head apart from hair right now?
Hair clip.
Have any babies been born into your family recently?
Do you have any weapons on you?
Are you a cracker?
So, what's on tv right now?
Anakku Bukan Anakmu.
What question number is this?
I'm not to dumb to count.
What do you think about techno music?
So so.
Rate this survey on originality on a scale from 1 to 10, please?
1. Survey ni macam copy and paste dari survey lain.
Do you do stuff that you know that your parents would be mad if they found out?
When was the last time you had your feelings hurt?
Last week.
When was the last time you drank?
An hour ago.
Are you dating the last person you kissed?
Do you find that people of the other sex are confusing?
How close of a friend is the last person who said something bad about you?
Not so close.
Have you ever made-out with someone that you were not dating?
No .
Is there something you wish you could tell someone that you can't?
How do you feel about the last person you talked to?
What school does the person you find attractive go to?
Have no idea.
What are some things that piss you off?
Sometimes life.
Do you ever tell the people you like, that you like them?
Have you ever liked someone from your own school?
Who was the last person to drive your car other than you?
I don't have a car.
Do you fall for people a lot?
Do you have a best friend of the other sex?
What will you be doing tomorrow?
I don't know.
What does your last incoming text say?
Can't remember.
Do you really want someone to call you right now?
Do you get upset when people talk bad about you?
Not really.
Do you ever get stuck in the middle of a fight?
Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
Should you know?
The person you like now, when was the last time you saw them?
I don't like anyone.
I tag : Link list. Unless you've done it.
Bath, eat, drink, talk, laugh, breath, sleep.
What happens when we die?
face with the angels.
What do you think about Britney Spears?
I don't like her.
Do you know how to start a fire?
Aaaa, yes (?)
Don't you just love sunsets?
Have you ever camped outside of a theater to get into a movie the next day?
How did your day start off?
When's the next time you will see the person you like/love?
I don't like anyone.
Are you waiting for something?
School to start. I'm bored at home.
Last text message you received?
From Shah, about his brother's wedd.
Last myspace message you received?
Can't remember.
Does anyone hate you?
There must be.
Where are your siblings?
Upstairs, inside the room.
Who texted you the most?
No one in particular.
Are you happy with life?
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Are you a jealous person?
Not really.
If you could have one person with you right now, who would it be?
Lyqa Zulkifli please.
Do you miss anyone?
Look at my blog.
Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
Lyqa Zulkifli. Because she
Is there something you always wear?
Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
What are you going to do after this?
How's the weather today?
What time is it?
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I don't think so.
When is the next time you'll see your closest friends?
I don't know.
What were you doing this morning at 12am?
I still in my bed.
What radio station do you listen to the most?
Fly FM.
Where is your father?
What are you listening to?
The keyboard sound.
Who were the last 3 people to text you?
Shah, Cheeza, Iqbal.
Is there anything that you are craving right now?
Have you ever been arrested?
What do you need to be doing right now?
My bag.
Who do you hate?
No one in particular.
Do you get nerves lately?
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
Yes (?)
What were you doing at 6 pm friday night?
Still at Jusco.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Du-urh, yes.
Are you living in your home town?
What does your breath smell like?
I don't know.
On what day does/did your birthday fall on this year?
If there was a serial killer in your house, what would you do?
Invite him too the jail.
What if there were no phones?
I'll use the snail mail.
What if the door was two rooms over?
WTF (?)
What do you think about emo poetry?
I don't know. Depends on what it sounds.
If your dog got lost, would you offer money for its safe return?
I don't have dogs.
Have you ever got a celebrity's number off of the internet?
Not from internet. From my uncle's phone.
What should we do to the people who spam our inboxes?
Screw you.
If you had the choice to live with Paris Hilton, would you?
How about Johnny Depp? - yes Or Jessica Alba?
Do you like surveys, polls, or quizzes best?
Do you like macaroni and cheese?
Yes. Specially Hajar's and L's.
Is there anything on your head apart from hair right now?
Hair clip.
Have any babies been born into your family recently?
Do you have any weapons on you?
Are you a cracker?
So, what's on tv right now?
Anakku Bukan Anakmu.
What question number is this?
I'm not to dumb to count.
What do you think about techno music?
So so.
Rate this survey on originality on a scale from 1 to 10, please?
1. Survey ni macam copy and paste dari survey lain.
Do you do stuff that you know that your parents would be mad if they found out?
When was the last time you had your feelings hurt?
Last week.
When was the last time you drank?
An hour ago.
Are you dating the last person you kissed?
Do you find that people of the other sex are confusing?
How close of a friend is the last person who said something bad about you?
Not so close.
Have you ever made-out with someone that you were not dating?
No .
Is there something you wish you could tell someone that you can't?
How do you feel about the last person you talked to?
What school does the person you find attractive go to?
Have no idea.
What are some things that piss you off?
Sometimes life.
Do you ever tell the people you like, that you like them?
Have you ever liked someone from your own school?
Who was the last person to drive your car other than you?
I don't have a car.
Do you fall for people a lot?
Do you have a best friend of the other sex?
What will you be doing tomorrow?
I don't know.
What does your last incoming text say?
Can't remember.
Do you really want someone to call you right now?
Do you get upset when people talk bad about you?
Not really.
Do you ever get stuck in the middle of a fight?
Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
Should you know?
The person you like now, when was the last time you saw them?
I don't like anyone.
I tag : Link list. Unless you've done it.
Missing You

They rock my ol' days.
They're currently at:-
Pqot is at MSJC Langkawi.
Sarah is at MSJC Alor Gajah.
Sya is at SMS Seri Puteri.
Mint is at MSJC Kuantan.
And my dear friend Izzat Zainal. Sadly I don't have picture with you. We haven't met each other for four years now. He's studying at SMS Tengku Abdullah, Raub, Pahang. Still want your McD Izzat?
Monday, June 02, 2008
Wasting Time
Taken from Meuy.
Ever kissed anyone older than 30?
Let see. Dad and grandpa.
Is your boyfriend or girlfriend a pain in the ass?
I have no boyfriend.
Do you like the color green?
Yes. A LOT.
Are you in a relationship?
Ever eaten soap?
Not that I can remember.
Do you miss anyone?
Lyqa, Aiman Nabihah and Izzat Zainal. Bila mau jumpa?
Is there some place you would like to visit?
Mauritius and Hawaii. :D
Have you ever fell into a mud puddle?
What song are u listening to?
The Call by Regina Spektor.
What are you scared of?
Allah, dark, and SPM.
What's your favorite non alcoholic beverage?
Limau Ais, Milo Ais.
Favorite alcoholic beverage?
I dont drink.
Do you own anything from American Eagle?
If you could own a monkey, would you?
Do you regret anything?
Boxes full. But, what to do. This is life.
What are you excited about?
Nothing currently.
Are you an artist?
Do you have an addiction?
Ouh yes.
What you did yesterday?
Subang, watching air show.
What did you do last weekend?
Air show.
Favorite swear word?
Who do you love?
No one in particular.
Do you still love your latest ex?
Love as in?
Ever regret breaking up with someone?
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
What are you doing tomorrow?
Sewing maybe.
What are you wearing right now?
Dance trousers and three quater sleeve shirt.
Do you like anyone?
Do you like to cuddle?
Do you like your first name?
Haha. Yes (?)
Do you want summer vacation?
It's always summer here in Malaysia.
If you took a drug test would you pass it?
When is your saddest day in your life?
That day. When the truth out.
When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Who was the last person to tell you I love you?
Lyqa Zulkifli.
Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
Along and Adik.
Quick, think of a quote from a song?
'No need to say goodbye'
The Call by Regina Spektor.
What was the last thing you bought?
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Ever kissed anyone older than 30?
Let see. Dad and grandpa.
Is your boyfriend or girlfriend a pain in the ass?
I have no boyfriend.
Do you like the color green?
Yes. A LOT.
Are you in a relationship?
Ever eaten soap?
Not that I can remember.
Do you miss anyone?
Lyqa, Aiman Nabihah and Izzat Zainal. Bila mau jumpa?
Is there some place you would like to visit?
Mauritius and Hawaii. :D
Have you ever fell into a mud puddle?
What song are u listening to?
The Call by Regina Spektor.
What are you scared of?
Allah, dark, and SPM.
What's your favorite non alcoholic beverage?
Limau Ais, Milo Ais.
Favorite alcoholic beverage?
I dont drink.
Do you own anything from American Eagle?
If you could own a monkey, would you?
Do you regret anything?
Boxes full. But, what to do. This is life.
What are you excited about?
Nothing currently.
Are you an artist?
Do you have an addiction?
Ouh yes.
What you did yesterday?
Subang, watching air show.
What did you do last weekend?
Air show.
Favorite swear word?
Who do you love?
No one in particular.
Do you still love your latest ex?
Love as in?
Ever regret breaking up with someone?
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
What are you doing tomorrow?
Sewing maybe.
What are you wearing right now?
Dance trousers and three quater sleeve shirt.
Do you like anyone?
Do you like to cuddle?
Do you like your first name?
Haha. Yes (?)
Do you want summer vacation?
It's always summer here in Malaysia.
If you took a drug test would you pass it?
When is your saddest day in your life?
That day. When the truth out.
When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Who was the last person to tell you I love you?
Lyqa Zulkifli.
Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
Along and Adik.
Quick, think of a quote from a song?
'No need to say goodbye'
The Call by Regina Spektor.
What was the last thing you bought?
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Five - I Did It Once, I Want To Do It Again
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people.This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first, NO CHEATING!
1. Meuy - sbb tgh msn dgn dia
2. Adik - sbb ada dgn dia
3. Along - sbb ada dgn dia juga
4. Afyf - sbb trigt thumbdrive ada kat dia lg.
5. Hana Dalila - sbb maybe esok mau pegi taman.
1. How did you meet 1?
KRS. I was Form1 back then. I tak suka you masa tu. Tak tau kenapa.
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1?
Mhmm, 9.5. Accepted kan.
3. How long have you known 4?
I can't really remember how long. But at least 10 years. The funny thing is, I just spoke to him last year.
4. How do you know number 3?
Since I was born. She my eldest sister.
5. Wheres 5?
Home sleeping, pretty sure.
6.A fact about number 1?
She's such a cool girl. The coolest senior I've ever met I think.
7.Who is 4 going out with?
Haha. Well, many people already knew about this. Azureen.
8. What does 1 do for a living?
Selling PaperMei product. :D
9. Would you live with number 3?
I am!
10. What do you like about number 2?
She's a good listener.
11. Do you miss number 5?
Currently. Its been a week since our last meeting.
12. Would you make out with number 4?
NO WAY! Azureen would kill me.
13. What’s your opinion of number 2?
She's popular than me.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5?
Well, our few hangouts kat taman dekat rumah dia.
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out?
Haha. Go on. They did, once. But I were there too.
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
Few hours.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
We're living in the same house, sleeping in the same room, studying in the same room, dining at the same table, went to the same school.
18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot?
When she went home.
19. Who have you known the longest?
20. How often do you talk to 1?
When I met her at school.
21. What about 2?
Meet her everyday.
22. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
Is sister count?
23. Would you go out for a date with 5?
Haha. Sureee. Why not.
24. Do you dream about 2?
Once or twice.
25. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget?
Let see. I can't forget? Ape huh Afif? Ouh, his weird voice lately. I don't know why. I fount it's funny.
26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
Mhmm, laugh with her all day. (?)
27. What's 3 hobby?
She love reading.
28. Who do u want to TAG?
Link list. Sape yang belum buat and rasa nak buat. Kalau nak buat lagi, buat lah.
1. Meuy - sbb tgh msn dgn dia
2. Adik - sbb ada dgn dia
3. Along - sbb ada dgn dia juga
4. Afyf - sbb trigt thumbdrive ada kat dia lg.
5. Hana Dalila - sbb maybe esok mau pegi taman.
1. How did you meet 1?
KRS. I was Form1 back then. I tak suka you masa tu. Tak tau kenapa.
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1?
Mhmm, 9.5. Accepted kan.
3. How long have you known 4?
I can't really remember how long. But at least 10 years. The funny thing is, I just spoke to him last year.
4. How do you know number 3?
Since I was born. She my eldest sister.
5. Wheres 5?
Home sleeping, pretty sure.
6.A fact about number 1?
She's such a cool girl. The coolest senior I've ever met I think.
7.Who is 4 going out with?
Haha. Well, many people already knew about this. Azureen.
8. What does 1 do for a living?
Selling PaperMei product. :D
9. Would you live with number 3?
I am!
10. What do you like about number 2?
She's a good listener.
11. Do you miss number 5?
Currently. Its been a week since our last meeting.
12. Would you make out with number 4?
NO WAY! Azureen would kill me.
13. What’s your opinion of number 2?
She's popular than me.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5?
Well, our few hangouts kat taman dekat rumah dia.
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out?
Haha. Go on. They did, once. But I were there too.
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
Few hours.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
We're living in the same house, sleeping in the same room, studying in the same room, dining at the same table, went to the same school.
18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot?
When she went home.
19. Who have you known the longest?
20. How often do you talk to 1?
When I met her at school.
21. What about 2?
Meet her everyday.
22. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
Is sister count?
23. Would you go out for a date with 5?
Haha. Sureee. Why not.
24. Do you dream about 2?
Once or twice.
25. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget?
Let see. I can't forget? Ape huh Afif? Ouh, his weird voice lately. I don't know why. I fount it's funny.
26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
Mhmm, laugh with her all day. (?)
27. What's 3 hobby?
She love reading.
28. Who do u want to TAG?
Link list. Sape yang belum buat and rasa nak buat. Kalau nak buat lagi, buat lah.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
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