yeah. aku ada di rantai since jumaat. tp hari ni xjd pergi. at first nak pg coz nak tgk wani ardy. but masing2 dah penat en and sampai rumah lewat je. so yeah.
first day, sampai dlm pukul 1 mcm tu. so, mencari2 la jln ke red bungalow tu, sbb kami masing2 xpenah pegi. hampir satu klcc tu kami pucing. haha. aku terasa bodoh sekejap msa tu. then, teringat aisyah and kat penag pegi last year. so text aisyah sbb xde number kat. atas bantuan mereka kami dah boleh cari kat mana red bungalow tu. thanks girls. ouh, and afiq too, tp sbb perut dah berkeroncong, kami pegi cari mkn dulu. bkn spt org lain, kami kurg fancy mkn di restoran2 ni. so, fastfood je la. and take away the food. mkn kn tmn, konon mcm picnic la en. haha. and, masa nk jln ke our favourite spot to eat, guess who i met? AIMAN NABIHAH!! god, i missed her so much. haven't met her in a year! sadly we didn't take any photo. haha. mkn2 then sudah dkt 2.30. make our move to the bungalow. sampai sahaja kami nampak mcm weird gila, coz we're like "nk msk ke tak? msk ke tak?" so, msk dlm tgk the paintings, lomo pictures and stuff. jenguk juga gerai2 tu. so it's cool even nmpk mcm ada 'kosong' sikit. then, nmpk kat. tegur her and she said, last year mcm 'penuh' sikit. took some photos of course. then, when we were in one room, i saw a toilet with bathtub! thought to go in there and took some photos but ada some guy msk and close the door with no entry sign. what a miss. after loitering around. we make a move to klcc. it was 3.40 i guess. so, i suggest to my sister "why don't we watch a movie?" bila tgk yg rasa mcm menarik ada twilight je, but adik tak mahu tgk, so, we make a move to kinokuniya. thought to buy some books, but, heh, tak cukup duit. so, yeah share money with along to buy some malay novels. from habiburrahman of course. i've fall for his writing since ayat-ayat cinta. then gg sampai and i said "eyh, jom pg kedai petrosains tu! explorasi" haha. yeah. i don't know why i want to go there. just for fun. after that went to galeri petronas for a self imaging exhibition by soraya talismail. i forgot her full name. then we went to jusco first to buy some food before went back with taxi.
second, day pg lmbt sikit dlm pukul 3.30 coz performance ptg and sbb hujan lg. adik epgi kelas gitar lg. adik blk je, kami siap2, tunggu hujan reda sikit, then jln pegi tunggu teksi. teksi semua tak nak duit. tahan xnk berhenti. ats nasihat dua org uncle india ni, kami pegi la cross jln kat taxi stand dpn tu. so, thanks uncle. sampai je kami terus pg the red bungalow. hujan tahu. nasib baik kami pakai kasut. kecuali along yg paki wedges aku. so, alert semua, kasut belum cuci lg. sampai sahaja, guess who we met? MISS FYNN JAMAL! my favourite poetess. gg tlg tegur dia. i guess he know if dia tak tegurkan, mesti kiteorg susah nak tegur. segan. salam sama dia. thanks kak fynn igt kami. pasti yg plg excited annysa. aku rasa dia peminat kak fynn yg plg kecik. hahaha. comel je. akak nampak sgt comel ok! then bergerak ke tepi 'pentas'. ana raffali mau perform, diiring oleh marhaens. ada aidit alfian, andy flop poppy. yeah. she look so cute. seriously. adn she sound a lot better live. then there's this band called lightcraft. sgt best mereka. :) took lots of pictures of kak fynn, with kak fynn, kak fynn with abg tri and abg tri with his brother. after that kami tgk jam sudah pukul 6.30 then, pg mkn kat avenue k dulu. then dlm 7.30 mcm tu g blk the red bungalow. ada this band playin. great music guys. seriously. then after that. poetry recital session. there's three person. i'm sorry i can't remember their names. the first guy was very kelakar. the second guy's poetry was err..tegas i guess? yeah, tegas. the third one of course kak fynn. kak, meremang bulu roma puisi yg first tu. after that, before blk took last picture with kak fynn then made our way to home. a very long day but worth it. four of us get what we come to see. :)
and you know what. annysa mendapat perhatian yg sgt byk. tak melampau kalau saya cakap begitu rasanya. i saw some photographer taking her photos because she was very kecik, as in very what aa..rendah for twelve years old. lagi lah sbb she went to center taking photos with the dslr. haha.
and i certainly sure we saw awin, as in gadis jahat there. but tak sure lah.
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