Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Chronicles Of Narnia : Prince Caspian
Yes, I can't get this movie out of my head. At first I don't want to watch this movie because I thought it was like The Lord Of The Ring - I don't like that movie. But then, after I watch it, I fell in love with it. I can't get enough of it. I want to watch it over and over again. Tapi tak boleh, duit tak cukup. Walaupun nak beli cd cetak rompak.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tag Survey - Tag By Meuy
1. How old are you?
2. Are you single?
Yes, I am.
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
25 and up.
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
I am with nobody.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
I've no idea.
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding?
I can't choose between garden and beach.
7.Your ideal motif?
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
Mhmm, Mauritius.
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
For sure my close family and friends.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own?
Make up my own. It'll be cool.
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
Aaaaa? Can't figure it out.
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
Simple place.
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
Can't think.
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding.
Some really nice song.
19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
21. What age do you want to get married?
25 and up. Jgn lebih 30 da la.
22. Describe your ideal husband/wife
Let see. Don't have too be handsome but need to have the look of my taste (?), romantic and at the same time spontan, good hearted, will be a great father and husband.
23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
Haha. Like mei. Eat with your finger.
24. Champagne or red wine?
25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Days after. Because I want to introduce my husband to my family and friends first, and open all of the gifts first.
26. Money or household items?
27. Who will pay for the bills?
Both. Tapi gilir gilir.
28. Are you ready for married life?
Totally not.
29. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband?
Yes I will.
31. How many kids do u like?
Mau seven. Sunnah.
32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
New house.
33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
Who cares.
34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
Mhmm, I don't know. But I want chicken to be in the meal.
35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
Nope. It private. So only me and my husband will know.
36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next? [tag]
All of the person in my link.
2. Are you single?
Yes, I am.
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
25 and up.
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
I am with nobody.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
I've no idea.
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding?
I can't choose between garden and beach.
7.Your ideal motif?
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
Mhmm, Mauritius.
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
For sure my close family and friends.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own?
Make up my own. It'll be cool.
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
Aaaaa? Can't figure it out.
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
Simple place.
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
Can't think.
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding.
Some really nice song.
19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
21. What age do you want to get married?
25 and up. Jgn lebih 30 da la.
22. Describe your ideal husband/wife
Let see. Don't have too be handsome but need to have the look of my taste (?), romantic and at the same time spontan, good hearted, will be a great father and husband.
23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
Haha. Like mei. Eat with your finger.
24. Champagne or red wine?
25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Days after. Because I want to introduce my husband to my family and friends first, and open all of the gifts first.
26. Money or household items?
27. Who will pay for the bills?
Both. Tapi gilir gilir.
28. Are you ready for married life?
Totally not.
29. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband?
Yes I will.
31. How many kids do u like?
Mau seven. Sunnah.
32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
New house.
33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
Who cares.
34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
Mhmm, I don't know. But I want chicken to be in the meal.
35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
Nope. It private. So only me and my husband will know.
36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next? [tag]
All of the person in my link.
Tag Survey - Tag By Meuy
Survey ni kena jawab dalam bahasa Melayu.
7 fakta tentang saya7 perkara menakutkan saya
- Saya sangat mengkagumi mereka yang sangat pandai bermain gitar. Tidak tahu megapa. Tapi saya suka. Tapi saya tak pernah reti main gitar tapi ada niat nak belajar.
- Saya sangat tidak suka mereka yang tak tahu kebersihan. Seperti mereka yang makan di atas meja dan meninggal kan sampah mereka begitu saja, minum tumpah dan tak lap. Benda2 sebegitu.
- Saya paling tak suka jika orang tidak menepati masa. Kata nak datang tapi tak datang. Lagi marah jika langsung tak mintak maaf.
- Saya tak pernah makan Baskin Robins, Nandos dan Hot Dog 1901 tu, tak pernah ada barang mahal - yang termahal pernah ada hanya lah perfume Gucci Cemburui Saya yg da habis sekarang ni.
- Saya sebenarnya dulu sering menari. Bila ada event di sekolah pasti saya perform. Tapi sekarang tidak lagi kerana saya rasa malas. Tapi bila mendengar music yang membolehkan saya menari dan melihat orang menari saya terasa mahu menari sama.
- Saya seorang yang sangat tak stabil. Saya boleh bertukar ekspressi dalam masa yang sekejap. Saya juga boeh menagis dan ketawa kerana benda2 bodoh. Tanya lah kawan2.
- Haha. Sepeti mei. Saya juga miskin. Saya memiliki banyak kertas di dalam wallet berbanding duit.
7 lagu buat masa sekarang
- Allah, kerana saya banyak buat dosa.
- Bila membesar, maksud saya dewasa. Saya tak suka kerana saya sudah tidak seperti sekarang. Perlu menjadi lebih serius dalam hidup. Tak suka.
- Gelap. Saya tak tahu kenapa saya tak suka. Tapi di kala bersedih saya suka la.
- Kehilangan mereka2 yang penting dan saya sayang dalam hidup ini. Mereka adalah kawan2 tercinta yang gelak tak ingat dunia dan boleh menagis bersama2 sehingga menyebabkan banjir, juga tak ketinggalan keluarga pembakar semangat. Tanpa mereka saya rasa hidup tak berguna.
- Duduk di tengah2 smoker. Saya sangat tak suka. Mereka menyebabkan saya sakit.
- Bila orang mengetahui rahsia saya yang besar. Nasib baik lah belum pernah terjadi.
- Hilang upaya. Rasa macam tak sanggup.
7 perkara yang selalu saya sebut
- Lagu tema Narnia 2. Saya lupa sapa yang nyanyi.
- Vanessa Carlton; Seribu Batu.
- Jordin Sparks feat Chris Brown; Tiada Udara
- Mandy Moore; Payung
- Marie Digby; Cakap Lagi Sekali
- Lady Antebellum; Semua Yang Kita Perlu
- Lady Antebellum; Tak Pernah Sendiri.
7 perkara yang amat bernilai
- Apehal korang ni?
- Ape masalah kau?
- Hah?
- Hmm.
- Alamak (Yes Mei. Siu Wern, haha)
- Ye kot.
- Lapar doh, nak makan. (Macam sama je Mei)
malas nak ikut urutan (okay, ni mmg sama macam mei)7 "pertama kali" dalam hidup saya
- Pensil dan kertas untuk saya menconteng apa yang patut.
- Duit
- Keluarga
- Kawan (Mereka amat terpenting sangat sekali)
- Nyawa
- Perasaan (?)
- Bantal busuk saya. (Tak pernah tinggal. Pergi camping pun tetap bawa malah ke luar negara)
7 orang bertuah (JAWAB TAG NI BALIK!)
- Balik dengan lrt sorg2 masa keluar date kali kedua. Ye.
- Pendam perasaan sendiri demi sahabat tercinta.
- Memakai perfume mahal - Gucci Cemburui Saya.
- Membeli barang di dlm flight. Barang atas ni la.
- Pertama kali keluar bersama kawan2. Itu pada Form1.
- Pergi camping bersama2 dengan org yg saya tak kenal langsung dan tak mandi selama seminggu.
- Tak tidur selama 24jam pada bulan December 2005.
Seluruh list link saya.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Endau-Rompin Memoirs
Well, the journey started at 0300 on 24 May. We stoped at Ayer Keroh at 0430 for Subuh and continue our journey. Then we stoped at Kluang at 0800 for breakfast. I can't slept well in bus because Atikah, Wafiy, and Azrif can't stop talking and laughing. Then we hit Kahang to wait for four wheel to go to the center. We wait there for 30 minutes, sempat la pergi toilet. Then, went to NERC with four wheel. It took 2 hours to arrive to the center. Most of us slept in the four wheel. What I realised in the four wheel is the temperature. Inside the four wheel was 29 degree celsius and outside was 55 degree celsius - the highest, I don't know if there's mistake. Arrive at the center, we send our bag in the dorm. I slept with Liyana and Fatin. Then we went for lunch then to a hall for some talks about the national park and all. Then we went down to a field for ice breaking. Being paired, our hand were tied to each other. And we have to find a way to free ourself. Then we were broke into group. I was in Elephant group with Farah Wahida, Liyana, Fatin, Khatijah, Iver, Lavania and Tharni. We named our group 'Big Elly'. Other group was Keradibles, Pak Belang and Helang Merah. Then, that night, after had our dinner - Big Elly have to wash all the dishes - , we went for night walk. Many of us scream because of the leeches. Then, went back to our dorm and get ready to sleep. On the way to toilet, I think I got bite by leeches. Just one. I just realise when it was bleeding. Then we went to sleep. Believe it or not. It was only 2130 then.
On the second day, I woke up at 0630. Went to the toilet and all. After that, we went down to the field and do chicken dance and streching. I enjoyed the chicken dance. After that we went for breakfast and get ready for jungle trekking. Our group teacher was Ustaz Rizal, Cikgu Rashidi, Cikgu Shahrul and Cikgu Syamsurri - they're not exactly our group teacher, they just need to be in the same boat with us. Our group fasilitator was Abang Ashok. Went group by group to Pacau with boat that took 30 to 40 minutes. Trekking a little bit - we saw elephant dunk - until we arrive to Pacau Campsite. We stayed there for about 15 minutes. We heard Abang Raj talk about the Kuala Jasin. Then, we took group photo. Then, we took our lunch pack and continue our journey. There's river crossing and water testing. We did water testing at this one river, get the result and all. Then the jungle trekking continue until at this campsite we had our lunch, saw ikan kelah - very big one and the water was crystal clear. Then we went to Blue Lake - yes, crystal clear water - which take 12 minutes trekking. Bath there. I have to take over Cikgu Rashidi's job, take few pictures and then pass to Aisyah because I want to swim and Cikgu Rashidi trying to prove that Science wrong. He tried to make the stone stand on a very small edge. Then we back to NERC. We saw 3 sizes of tiger's foot prints - it scares me - and Aisyah got bite by leeches at her arse. Really. Took our bath - with no lights because there's only electricity from 1900 until 0700 - and have some rest before went for dinner at 1930 - Pak Belang wash the dishes. Then we watch a talk about tropical rain forest by Abang Raj and insect by Abang John. After that, we went to dorm and sleep at 2340. I slept with Fatin because it was cold.
On third day, woke up at 0630 again, went to toilet and all. Then streching and chicken dance again. Miss Tan, Puan Kamisah, Ustaz Rizal, Cikgu Ravi and Cikgu Rashidi joined us. After had our breakfast, we went on boat to Pacau and trekking to Denai Dato' Ghani. Then we started hiking to Gunung Janing Barat. I breath like hell. It was so loud until five people in front of me can hear it. Then when I was so tired, I stop until I saw Cikgu Syamsurri who was in the middle of the whole group. So, I joint him. He offer me to carry my bag, but I refuse, I want to feel the thrill. When arrive at the top, the loud breath, the rock climbing and the leeches was worth it. The view from the top was breath taking. I smiled until my ears. Cikgu Syamsurri teasing me. We saw Upih Guling from there. Then when all of us have arrive, Abang Raj told us, we were great because we arrived 30 mintes earlier than estimated. Had our lunch and went to a place that have periuk kera on the top. We did the water testing again. Heard some facts about the periuk kera and went down. On the way down, Nabihah and I almost fell. I was behind Miss Kong and Miss Tan before I over took them - it was raining at that time. Than after a few minutes, Liyana was in front of me and behind me was only Tharni and Farah Wahida! Just the four of us. Then I said, "Wah, hebat gila. Turun tak de guide. Haha." Liyana replied, "Berani mati do." Then I said, "Takpe. Selagi ada benda merah tu betul lah." Then, we wait for all to arrive down at Pacau Campsite - we're not the first one to arrive. Then went back with boat. After had our bath, we went to the hall and discuss about our perfomances that night. We have to do two, one were base on script and we need to creat the other one. Then, after maghrib, we had our dinner and went down to field for insect watching. So, I saw green beatle, cicada, moth, cockroaches and all. Then do our perfomances. The first perfomances that with script we did the story about 'The Tortoise and Mr Hare'. I'm the Mr Hare (rabbit), Liyana did the opening, Tharni was the story teller, Iver was the Tortoise, Farah Wahida was at the finishing line, Nabihah and Khatijah was the tree. We got the highest mark for that. The created we did Seloka Endau-Rompin in our own way. We tease Wafiy, Mr Ravi, Cikgu Shahrul and Miss Tan in it. At first we thought we're not gonna make it but then everybody was laughing so it was okay lah. Teachers need to do one. They did the Tarian MNS. All the fasilitators and students joined. Then after that, the result was count. There's tie between us and Keradibles. Then a question was asked, Liyana gave me the answer, I answered it and then, yay Big Elly won the second place. Than, later that night there was a sense game. We have to blind fold. We have to taste, hear, smell and feel stuff. After that we gather back at the hall. Since we're the first group to finish, we have to wait for the other groups to finish. After that was a head count and we found out that one was missing, Thania. Rashvinder and Dawhween - I think - said Thania said she went to the toilet and they already told Atikah. But Atikah said no. So we were told to search for her - it was pass 11 and we had a long day, imagine how exausted we are. Then we end up at the jetty and we told that it was actually Thania's surprise birthday. When Thania arrive at the jetty, we all sang Happy Birthday song to her, she blew the candle cut the cake. Then Miss Tan asked her to pick a boy of her choice but she didn't. So, Miss Tan picked Amir Syafiq, because they wore the same colour shirt. Thania have to feed him. After that we went to dorm, pack our belongings, brush our teeth and slept at 0230 - I think. Again, I slept with Fatin.
The next morning, we woke up at 0600. Took bath, breakfast and all. Then after breakfast, I saw few people do some craft, so I went to check. Found out it was interesting, I join. I learn how to do ikan belacak and udang. But mine like tak jadi because it was too short. After that was the closing and the thanks and all. Then we went rafting from NERC Jetty to Kampung Peta. Big Elly, Puan Kamisah and Cikgu Rashidi was in the same boat. So we raft. We were the second group at first. When there's only 30 metres to arrive we beat the first group - I don't remember what group. Wait for the other group, took another group photo and walking to Kampung Peta. Saw how the cook in bamboo with jungle stuff and the trap. Thania was on demo for one trap. This trap kinda look like a cage. So, we left her in there while we look at the other trap, Remy went to take a pail of waterand throw to her, yeah, she's wet. Then we went to this house saw Orang Asli traditional game, kercang. I bought one. There's four kerchang in it. But I only know how to do three. After that we walk to this center and had our lunch. Liyana, Fatin and I change our cloth there. Then we went back to Kahang with four wheel. But this time it was only took one hour and thirty minutes because the driver use short cut. When we arrive at Kahang, some of us buy shirt, cap, bag and certificate. I bought bag and certificate. I want to buy the shirt but don't have enough money. Then went back to Kuala Lumpur with bus. Along the ride I couldn't sleep well. Because as ussual, Wafiy with his ghost story. Nak tak nak kene dengar gak. Then we stop at Pagoh for solat and ate. Then we hit to our school. We arrive at about 2030. I went back home with Amir Syafiq because our home is at the same road.
That was all about the camping. Overall, it was fun and great. I'm sure it will be more fun if Afiq, Aswad, Nazrin, and Farhan and Harizah were there. Mhmm, because of Cikgu Shahrul, all of the picture in Ustaz camera was gone because he accidentaly delete it. The picture in Cikgu Rashidi camera as well, but only for the first and second day only. So yeah, see you in the next camp.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tag Survey - Tag By Hnaa and Syaza
The Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
8 random facts/habits about me,
1.I talk a lot.
2.I scream so loud.
3.I getting even fat.
4.I really can't live without music.
5.I need friends to live my life.
6.I'm more to independent.
7.I love camping. A LOT.
8.I always hit my head somewhere.
I tag Mei, Hajar, Aisyah Haziqah, Aisyah Pahmi, Fatin Najwa.
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
8 random facts/habits about me,
1.I talk a lot.
2.I scream so loud.
3.I getting even fat.
4.I really can't live without music.
5.I need friends to live my life.
6.I'm more to independent.
7.I love camping. A LOT.
8.I always hit my head somewhere.
I tag Mei, Hajar, Aisyah Haziqah, Aisyah Pahmi, Fatin Najwa.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Current Annoyance
Ummi and abah keep asking me to bring this and that. "Angah, you need to bring this", "Angah you need to bring that", "Angah, you forgot this", "Angah you forgot that", "Angah, do you want to bring this, do you want to bring that?" Sigh. HELLO. I'm going for four days of camping, not four weeks of holidays! GRRRRHHHH. Tak suka, tak suka!!
Well, I went to clinic this morning. The first one to arrive you know, 7.40A.M.! There's no one at the clinic except for the cleaner. Even the doctor are not there yet. The only reason I went to clinic because ummi said if I don't get my prescription, I can't go for camping. So for that, I'll do 1001 things, just to go. So when at home at the evening, I ate the medicine and the medicine really made me sleepy and dizzy. So I sleep for awhile instead of getting ready to go to buy camping stuff. Then abah came back home around 1425. He woke me up but I refuse to. Then after few time he tried to wake me up, I wake up and go toget ready. And then I felt terribly dizzy and sleepy. But I have to tahan cause there's a lot of thing to buy. Went back home and yeah here I come my bed. I sleep until 2000! gah.
Oh, after almost two and half month I didn't use tissue, now I use it. GAH! Just thought to do some record but I broke it.
Well, I went to clinic this morning. The first one to arrive you know, 7.40A.M.! There's no one at the clinic except for the cleaner. Even the doctor are not there yet. The only reason I went to clinic because ummi said if I don't get my prescription, I can't go for camping. So for that, I'll do 1001 things, just to go. So when at home at the evening, I ate the medicine and the medicine really made me sleepy and dizzy. So I sleep for awhile instead of getting ready to go to buy camping stuff. Then abah came back home around 1425. He woke me up but I refuse to. Then after few time he tried to wake me up, I wake up and go toget ready. And then I felt terribly dizzy and sleepy. But I have to tahan cause there's a lot of thing to buy. Went back home and yeah here I come my bed. I sleep until 2000! gah.
Oh, after almost two and half month I didn't use tissue, now I use it. GAH! Just thought to do some record but I broke it.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Part 2
This morning when I woke up, I felt a lot better than yesterday. Only having that normal cough. But then after I had my shower, the flu and my serius cough that had came back. GRRRRR. Oh yeah, since yesterday I called myself a VIRUS SPREADER. Because, at firstI'm the only one who had cough. But then when it almost 9 or 10 in the morning, few people in the class start to cough. After recess, Liyana cough. Then Intan, few times. Then I laugh to myself and was like,"Kau sebar virus Farah. hahaha." Argh! I can't stand with this flu. HAA! Now I remember. Because I want to recover fast, last night I swallowed 4 Panadol pils. Then my little sis tease me,"Esok if kat skola ada drug test tak lepas ni." Then I said,"Tak pe. Nanti cite la kat doctor tu telan panadol byk sgt."Well, finished the exam. But then this one human creature enter the calss and want to teach us. I was like,"Kite orang baru abis exam kot. Xsedar ke?" But it's okay. Still listen to what that human being want to say. But I don't really understand. Suddenly my headache came. What else? Mhmm, can't remember. More doodle to come. Chow!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sick Of Being Sick
Aaaaaaaa. It has been three days I have this cold, fever and sore throat. Yesterday was the worst. Today I can barely speak. I noded, shook and show my hands for sign languange. I felt it even worst because today I have to sit for my Biology and Chemistry paper. Macam nak tercabut kepala tau. Well, some said it happen like this because I refuse to eat panadol. I don't want to eat it because it takes 2 years for panadol to hadam. Mhmm, last night when I'm trying to eat other medicine other than Uphamol 650, that is Panadol soluble, I only manage to drink quater of the glass. I throw the rest of it when adik said, "Dah la ngah, buang je la kalau tak habis." Ahh, I need to recover at least on Friday because I need to be in good condition by Friday night for my Endau-Rompin camping. Damn, I miss camping. The last camping that went was almost 2 years ago. Need to off. My body need a rest.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people.This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first, NO CHEATING!
1. A
2. B
3. Naim
4. Hnaa
5. Meuy
1. How did you meet 1?
School memories.
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1?
Down to 8.
3. How long have you known 4?
When she's with Iki.
4. How do you know number 3?
He was my neighbour sisnce we were kid slash best friend.
5. Wheres 5?
Home, pretty sure.
6.A fact about number 1?
Haha. He's cabra. Really.
7.Who is 4 going out with?
Her boyf.
8. What does 1 do for a living?
Mhmm, killing his butt for spm just because *censored*.
9. Would you live with number 3?
Haha. No.
10. What do you like about number 2?
Mhmm, she's really hyperactive.
11. Do you miss number 5?
Not now. Cause everyday we met at school.
12. Would you make out with number 4?
No way!
13. What’s your opinion of number 2?
She is quite clumsy yet so popular.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5?
Urm, sVian photography session 2008!
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out?
They are.
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
Not too long.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot?
19. Who have you known the longest?
20. How often do you talk to 1?
Like everyday.
21. What about 2?
Meet her everyday.
22. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
23. Would you go out for a date with 5?
Haha. Sure sure. Why not. Hahaha.
24. Do you dream about 2?
25. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget?
Told me her *censored*. xp
26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
Call him at the midnight just to wish his birthday. && give him support each time he need it.
27. What's 3 hobby?
Have no idea.
28. Who do u want to TAG?
Everyone? Haha. Don't know.
1. A
2. B
3. Naim
4. Hnaa
5. Meuy
1. How did you meet 1?
School memories.
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1?
Down to 8.
3. How long have you known 4?
When she's with Iki.
4. How do you know number 3?
He was my neighbour sisnce we were kid slash best friend.
5. Wheres 5?
Home, pretty sure.
6.A fact about number 1?
Haha. He's cabra. Really.
7.Who is 4 going out with?
Her boyf.
8. What does 1 do for a living?
Mhmm, killing his butt for spm just because *censored*.
9. Would you live with number 3?
Haha. No.
10. What do you like about number 2?
Mhmm, she's really hyperactive.
11. Do you miss number 5?
Not now. Cause everyday we met at school.
12. Would you make out with number 4?
No way!
13. What’s your opinion of number 2?
She is quite clumsy yet so popular.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5?
Urm, sVian photography session 2008!
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out?
They are.
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
Not too long.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot?
19. Who have you known the longest?
20. How often do you talk to 1?
Like everyday.
21. What about 2?
Meet her everyday.
22. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
23. Would you go out for a date with 5?
Haha. Sure sure. Why not. Hahaha.
24. Do you dream about 2?
25. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget?
Told me her *censored*. xp
26. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
Call him at the midnight just to wish his birthday. && give him support each time he need it.
27. What's 3 hobby?
Have no idea.
28. Who do u want to TAG?
Everyone? Haha. Don't know.
Lets name them A and B. I can't hear B saying anything about A. I don't know if that what I should call jealous. Ye la Naim. A dgn B je. Aku bkn C. Aku masih Farah.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
2 More Days
8 days down, 2 more to go. Bio paper1&2, PJK, Chemistry paper3 and Physics paper3. Gah. Sume subjek elektif. Kali ni still xbg 100%. Adoii. Die laa.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Truth Out
You've deny it from the beginning. Now, I've found out that it's true. And it's not from you. How could you? You've gave me so much hope and now suddenly it's different. What the hell?! I felt like screaming when I heard about this. Then I felt like I'm gonna cry. And I even felt upset and kinda mad at you. But I couldn't do anything. Any of it. I don't know why. MaybeIi just couldn't do it. Wait! Bottom line. Did I love you? I don't know. But what I know is, I really like you and you've gave me so much hope. Gah! Why did you choose to break my heart? Huh? Screww you! Yeah, you've asked us to screw you once. Now I say it to you. Really say it. Maybe I get the wrong picture. Who knows?
Anoying Anoying Anoying
Maybe many of you have read this at myspace's bulletin. But I don't care. I want to post it again. Here.
You've been so ANNOYING all the way. You annoys me like crazy. Can't you just put your annoying act aside and be more what we call FRIENDLY to the people around you. And stop thinking that you're HOT STUFF at school just because you sit in pure science class and kinda active in sports. Just because you have GIRLFRIEND do you have to IGNORE your girl friend at school? They deserve YOUR ATTENTION you know. So please, CHANGE IT.
P/S: Meuy and Divya nak sgt tau sape. Haha. Go on. Keep guessing. I won't tell. Hehe.
You've been so ANNOYING all the way. You annoys me like crazy. Can't you just put your annoying act aside and be more what we call FRIENDLY to the people around you. And stop thinking that you're HOT STUFF at school just because you sit in pure science class and kinda active in sports. Just because you have GIRLFRIEND do you have to IGNORE your girl friend at school? They deserve YOUR ATTENTION you know. So please, CHANGE IT.
P/S: Meuy and Divya nak sgt tau sape. Haha. Go on. Keep guessing. I won't tell. Hehe.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I Said Goodbye
Yes, I did. And I said it to someone that I like. Damn. I felt like I'm saying goodbye forever to him. Gah! Ape kau merepek ni Cik Farah Rosni oi.
Td exam add math. Soalan dia xboleh susah lg. Mei marah bila kite org ckp paper tu susah. Haha. Chill chill. Bak kata Ientan, "Nak buat mcm mana. Kite da nak syg dia tp dia xnk." Haha. Adoi. Esok Sejarah. Belajar sampai lebam la jwb nye. Lusa lak bio n chemis. Lg x pecah kepala aku. Adoi. Tutor jemputan khas aka Along xsampai lg ni. alahaii.
Td exam add math. Soalan dia xboleh susah lg. Mei marah bila kite org ckp paper tu susah. Haha. Chill chill. Bak kata Ientan, "Nak buat mcm mana. Kite da nak syg dia tp dia xnk." Haha. Adoi. Esok Sejarah. Belajar sampai lebam la jwb nye. Lusa lak bio n chemis. Lg x pecah kepala aku. Adoi. Tutor jemputan khas aka Along xsampai lg ni. alahaii.
Monday, May 12, 2008
One Litre Of Tears

This is one of my favourite song. It's japanese but this is the translation. It's a theme song for a story titled One Litre Of Tears. The story is about Aya Ikeuchi who found out by herself that she had an incurable disease named Spinocerebellar Degeneration at the age of 15. I've already posted it at myspace before. But decide to post it here too. Enjoy.
On the other shore of sadness,
it is said that there is a smile.
Finally we arrived.
But what are we waiting for?
The purpose is not to run away.
It's to chase after dreams.
We should have gone out to travel,
on that summer day so long ago.
Even tomorrow, if you see it.
Though there isn't a sigh either.
Like a ship going against the current flow.
Right now, go forward, move ahead.
The place that's shrowed in pain,
Is where happiness waits,
They say.
I am still searching.
It's like an out of season sunflower.
If you clench you fits too tight,
An wait for the morning light,
Your nails become red without blood,
And shining tears begin to flow.
Even if you are left in solitude,
With only the moonlight to depend on,
Fly always using featherless wings,
And keep moving foward.
Even if it cuts through the rain and clouds.
The wet roads shine.
Only the dark will teach,
A stronger and stronger light.
Be strong, go forward, move ahead.
it is said that there is a smile.
Finally we arrived.
But what are we waiting for?
The purpose is not to run away.
It's to chase after dreams.
We should have gone out to travel,
on that summer day so long ago.
Even tomorrow, if you see it.
Though there isn't a sigh either.
Like a ship going against the current flow.
Right now, go forward, move ahead.
The place that's shrowed in pain,
Is where happiness waits,
They say.
I am still searching.
It's like an out of season sunflower.
If you clench you fits too tight,
An wait for the morning light,
Your nails become red without blood,
And shining tears begin to flow.
Even if you are left in solitude,
With only the moonlight to depend on,
Fly always using featherless wings,
And keep moving foward.
Even if it cuts through the rain and clouds.
The wet roads shine.
Only the dark will teach,
A stronger and stronger light.
Be strong, go forward, move ahead.
First Post
Wah. Felt like fresh bake cake. Mhmm, well, my first online blog. Jap, kat myspace dikira blog gak en. So, ni 2nd ah. Mhmm, so xde pape nk ckp now. So, wait for the next blog.
ps: Grrr. So not fun lah ur first blog farah.
ps: Grrr. So not fun lah ur first blog farah.
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