Well, it doesn't comes out as we, as in my parents, my younger sister and I, expected. Its like they just doing exhibition about garden thingy and not showing landscape as it should. LAMAN 2006 was so much better than this. So here are some of the photo of the visit.

See, there's two birds inside there.
Tempurung also can be use as decoration you know.
I have to wait almost 10 minutes just to sit there because the kids playing with it like it theirs.
The weather just hot.
I'm just taking a short break, in one of the landscape.

I should took sharper picture.

Some bamboo tree. You can always see it. It's not included in LAMAN.

Picture of us, waiting for ummi. She's so excited about the plants.
So, that's the picture. I didn't took many picture because ummi and adik are using the camera to limit, especially ummi. I hope LAMAN 2010 would be way better than this. Like ummi said, nursery at Sungai Buloh are so much better than this. Well, I agree with her.
tapi tak menarik sgt laaaaa~
btw, tak bitaw sbb igt abah da ckp
hik hik
gamba cantik.landskap pong.
kat mane LAMAN nie?
gila cool okay!
best i enjoy it;)
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