Ya, aku rindu.
Oh! Terima kasih untuk senyuman itu.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hari Jumaat Yang Agak Menjengkelkan
Ni Jumaat lepas. Patutnya pegi amek result ujian darah. So, pegi la amek kat hospital tu. Tunggu la kat bilik ujian darah tu. Penat berdiri pergi la duduk kat kerusi, dalam bilik PSIKIATRI. haha. Orang yang lalu pandang2. Apa kau pikir orang yang jumpa psikiatrik ni gila ke? Tak semestinya ok. Rasa macam lama, pegi balik kat bilik ujian darah tu. Ada nama dia. Tapi lupa. Dah lepas sejam, baru la dia cakap, "Puan, result darah anak puan tak siap lagi la. Mesin kami rosak." Dia cakap kat ummi la. Hisy, tak panas aku. Lebih sejam tunggu, kau kata tak siap lagi. Janji hari ni. Tak boleh siap bagi tau la. Da la dengan tak de time pass. Kalau tidak boleh aku pegi sekolah. Aku da malas, cakap kat ummi malas nak pegi sekolah. Ummi pun on je aa. Dia suruh taip surat. Aku taip la tulis tak datang sebab sakit. Nasib baik la tak belajar sangat.
Time pass tu macam kenyataan aku berada di mana pada waktu dan hari sekian2.
Time pass tu macam kenyataan aku berada di mana pada waktu dan hari sekian2.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tag Survey - Tag by Syaza
U S E L E S S | I N F O R M A T I O N
Name: Nur Farah.
Single or taken: Single.
Sex: Female.
Birthday: March 30, 1992
Sign: Aries.
Siblings: 3
Hair color: Dark brown.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Height: 160cm++
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight.
Who are your best friends?: They know who they are.
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
What is your longest relationship?: Almost 11 months.
F A S H I O N | S T U F F
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: Ussuallu FOS.
Any tattoos or piercings: None.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My borneo and cherating shirt and knee lenght track suit that I cut.
What do you usually wear?: Shirts and pants.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Sunsilk Hair Damage Repair.
What are you most scared of?: Allah.
What are you listening to right now: Like Only Woman Can - Brian McFadden
Who is the last person that you called?: Abah.
Who is the last person that called you?: Zazazul.
Where do you want to get married?: At my house.
What would you change about yourself?: Be a little quiet.
Colors: Black.
Foods: Ice Cream and chocolate and bread pudding.
Movies: Now And Forever.
Animals: Cats.
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: Yes.
Smoked?: Never.
Bungee jumped?: I wish.
Made yourself throw up?: Nope.
Ever been in love?: Once. Or twice.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yes.
Pictured your crush naked?: NO.
Actually seen your crush naked?: NO!
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Lied: Uncountable.
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope.
Rejected someone?: Yep.
Used someone?: Once. Or twice.
Done something you regret?: Boxes full.
L A S T | P E R S O N
You left a message for: L.
You texted: Welcome.
You cuddled with: No one.
You kissed: Ientan.
A R E | Y O U
Understanding: On certain things.
Open-minded: On things that I should.
Insecure: Nope?
Hungry: Not really.
Smart: I'm an average student.
Moody: At times..
Hard working: If I had to.
Resiliant: I don't know.
Organized: Not really.
Healthy: Nope.
Difficult: Sometimess.
Bored easily: Nope.
Angry: No.
Sad: Just now.
Happy: Most of the time.
Hyper: Just yesterday.
Trusting: I trust people easily but now I'm controlling it.
Tag: Link list.
Name: Nur Farah.
Single or taken: Single.
Sex: Female.
Birthday: March 30, 1992
Sign: Aries.
Siblings: 3
Hair color: Dark brown.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Height: 160cm++
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight.
Who are your best friends?: They know who they are.
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
What is your longest relationship?: Almost 11 months.
F A S H I O N | S T U F F
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: Ussuallu FOS.
Any tattoos or piercings: None.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My borneo and cherating shirt and knee lenght track suit that I cut.
What do you usually wear?: Shirts and pants.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Sunsilk Hair Damage Repair.
What are you most scared of?: Allah.
What are you listening to right now: Like Only Woman Can - Brian McFadden
Who is the last person that you called?: Abah.
Who is the last person that called you?: Zazazul.
Where do you want to get married?: At my house.
What would you change about yourself?: Be a little quiet.
Colors: Black.
Foods: Ice Cream and chocolate and bread pudding.
Movies: Now And Forever.
Animals: Cats.
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: Yes.
Smoked?: Never.
Bungee jumped?: I wish.
Made yourself throw up?: Nope.
Ever been in love?: Once. Or twice.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yes.
Pictured your crush naked?: NO.
Actually seen your crush naked?: NO!
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Lied: Uncountable.
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope.
Rejected someone?: Yep.
Used someone?: Once. Or twice.
Done something you regret?: Boxes full.
L A S T | P E R S O N
You left a message for: L.
You texted: Welcome.
You cuddled with: No one.
You kissed: Ientan.
A R E | Y O U
Understanding: On certain things.
Open-minded: On things that I should.
Insecure: Nope?
Hungry: Not really.
Smart: I'm an average student.
Moody: At times..
Hard working: If I had to.
Resiliant: I don't know.
Organized: Not really.
Healthy: Nope.
Difficult: Sometimess.
Bored easily: Nope.
Angry: No.
Sad: Just now.
Happy: Most of the time.
Hyper: Just yesterday.
Trusting: I trust people easily but now I'm controlling it.
Tag: Link list.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mimpi Yang Sempurna
Mungkinkah bila ku bertanya
Pada bintang-bintang
Dan bila ku mulai merasa
bahasa kesunyian
Sadarkan aku yang berjalan
Dalam kehampaan
Terdiam, terpana, terbata
Semua dalam keraguan
Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita
Aku kan menghilang
dalam pekat malam
Lepas ku melayang
Biarlah ku bertanya
pada bintang-bintang
Tentang arti kita
dalam mimpi yang sempurna
Pada bintang-bintang
Dan bila ku mulai merasa
bahasa kesunyian
Sadarkan aku yang berjalan
Dalam kehampaan
Terdiam, terpana, terbata
Semua dalam keraguan
Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita
Aku kan menghilang
dalam pekat malam
Lepas ku melayang
Biarlah ku bertanya
pada bintang-bintang
Tentang arti kita
dalam mimpi yang sempurna
Kau ingat lagi tak?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
LAMAN 2008
Well, it doesn't comes out as we, as in my parents, my younger sister and I, expected. Its like they just doing exhibition about garden thingy and not showing landscape as it should. LAMAN 2006 was so much better than this. So here are some of the photo of the visit.

Picture of us, waiting for ummi. She's so excited about the plants.
So, that's the picture. I didn't took many picture because ummi and adik are using the camera to limit, especially ummi. I hope LAMAN 2010 would be way better than this. Like ummi said, nursery at Sungai Buloh are so much better than this. Well, I agree with her.

So, that's the picture. I didn't took many picture because ummi and adik are using the camera to limit, especially ummi. I hope LAMAN 2010 would be way better than this. Like ummi said, nursery at Sungai Buloh are so much better than this. Well, I agree with her.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I went to clinic and specialist hospital (I think. But what ever it is, it's an arm forces hospital) to refer about this today. It's at my neck, right. I never realise it until ummi said it to me three months ago. I thought it was nothing because when I check at the mirror I saw nothing, just my neck a little bit big. I thought because I'm gaining weight. But when I touch it, yeah it was a little bump there. So, went to the doctor and she said it is thyroid. She asked me how long I've been noticed this. I just said few months ago, when ummi told me. But she said it doesn't look like months, it looked like it has been for at least 1-2 years. Yup, both of us were a little shock. The doctor asked me to go for ultrasound and check my blood at the expert hospital. Then, we wait for ummi's appointment with Dato' Razak, who has been he personal doctor for..mhmm, since I remember it. She asked him to check on me. He said it's thyroid. He told me about different type of thyroid. I only remember about that adolescence sexuality building and hypothyroid. After that went to take my blood. The needle was kinda big. The blood was took at my arm. So it's a little pain. Just small pain. The result is next week. So, we're just waiting. After ummi set my appoinment for the ultrasound, there this one Indian doctor asked ummi what she's doing there, she told about my thyroid and blablabla. So, he said while he have free time, why didn't I did it today. So, we did. When I saw the ultrasound machine, I laugh and I said, "Bukan ni untuk orang mengandung ke?" The doctor laugh back at me and he said its not just for the pregnant lady. It can be for your knees, hand, cheek, whatever. I show my i-don't-believe-what-you-said face. So he took my hand and put the gel and scan. He show me the muscles and my vessels. After I satisfied, he scan my neck. So I can see my oesophagus, vessels and all. So he took the picture of my thyroid. He said it's not big, just 17. I don't know the scale. He said if its 18 it's dangerous. Then, followed ummi to take he medicine. At that time it's already 1130. So I said to there's no point sending me to school. She said okay. Because at first I was planing to go to school after the check up. I thought it will not take a long time. So that was it. Don't worry love, I'm fine. But, I need to wait for my blood test result first.
Nah, Syaza. New post!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Music and Lyrics

PS: Cinta also like this movie. Huh, can't believe it at first.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Mmg sgt bsyukur la en. Hari ni pergi post office, nk post jersey Pqot. Masa amek nombor, dpt nombor 1457. Masa tu nombor baru 1340++. 100 lg?! Ye, lg 100. So, pergi la beli topup dulu. Then msk dlm carrefour, beli sos tiram, cuka n asam jawa. Then tgk tgl lg 70 mcm tu. Berdiri la dpn Bata tu. Kat sebelah kanan ada 2org makcik n sorg bdk kecik ni. Aku dok la situ sambil baca buku. (Allah, baik la pulak.) Tiba2 makcik tu dtg kat aku tnya nombor aku berapa. Masa tu tgl lg 50. Aku jwb la, "Lg 50 je makcik." Then makcik tu bg aku nombor dia, 1439. Aku ckp la, "Abes tu, makcik mcm mana?" Makcik tu jwb, "Makcik da malas la nk tunggu. So apa lg. Dgn senyuman gembira sampai atas kepala, aku ucapkn, "Terima kasih makcik." 2kali. Tapi bila aku pusing belakang, dia hilang? Mhmm. So, makcik, terima kasih ye.
And awk Pqot. Utang kita ni. Bila blk KL lama sikit kene belanja kita ni.
And awk Pqot. Utang kita ni. Bila blk KL lama sikit kene belanja kita ni.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Afiq Mohamad

Muhammad Afiq bin Mohamad. Dah beso da. 16 tahun. Kita rapat baru lagi. Tak sampai setahun. Tapi, terima kasih sayang aku kerana aku. Aku sayang kau juga dan aku tahu kau tahu. (Maaf, keluar topik. Tapi aku memang sayang teman yang sorang ni.) Terus lah memberi cahaya pada orang di sekitarmu, walau kadang cahayamu itu perit dan pedih.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Kau Yang Ku Sayang
aku nampak kau di situ. begitu indah senyummu. biar mukamu buruk, tapi senyum ikhlas itu bisa buat hatiku tenang. aku kejar kau. kejar dan kejar. sampai satu tika, aku penat. tapi aku terus juga walau berjalan. demi kau yang aku sayang. sampai di situ, kau hilang. hilang bersama dia, yang kau sayang. benar lah kata kamu sahabat. aku tolol, bodoh, bongok. mengharap benda yang tak mungkin jadi. berlagak kuat walau sebenarnya aku sangat lemah berhadapan semua ini. pura-pura tak peduli walau sebenarnya aku sangat peduli.
aku bodoh kan, wahai sahabat?
aku bodoh kan, wahai sahabat?
Friday, July 04, 2008
Terima kasih kepada krew sidang ridaksi yang memulihkan mood aku. Walaupun sedikit. Aku tetap hargai.
aku penat. aku penat pikir psl korg, yg xpernah nk pikir psl aku. fuck ah. kalau aku je nk jaga hati korg, bila lak korg nk jaga hati aku? asek mintak aku jaga hati korg. kata kwn, sahabat. tp lgsg, HARAM. kwn bila kau susah je en. mmg ahh. bila kau sng kau tgl aku. babi ahh kau. penat je aku care, syg kau.
*ye saya mencarut, dgn byk sebenarnye, bg yg xtau.
hana, sorry. kita xbermksud nk ckp mcm tu. tiba2 mood hilang. maaf.
*ye saya mencarut, dgn byk sebenarnye, bg yg xtau.
hana, sorry. kita xbermksud nk ckp mcm tu. tiba2 mood hilang. maaf.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
New Passion
Yes, I've found one! BAKING! Because I've been baking for four days straight. HAHA. Abah said we can already open our own bakery. And I told Along I want to be a baker-ian one day. HAHAHA. Okay, I know. It's lame.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Day
Okay okay. The canteen day was fun eventhough there's some small arguement here and there. And I didn't get dunk because I was too busy with haunted house and kelab setia stall. I was involved in four stall; Aisyah's, Kelab Setia's, 4Bina's and haunted house by Editorial Board.
I'm selling my note book at Aisyah's, and my cake at 4Bina's and Kelab Setia stall.
The day start with the assembly and all. The Form 1 and Form 2 students were needed at the field for some game and aerobic. Thought to join because there's chicken dance. HAHA. How I miss the camping. While the Form 3, Form 4 and Form 5 students gathered at Dataran Wawasan to hear Pn Sa'amah lecture. Most of the student who open stall, booth and all ,were busy doing last minute preparation. I was at the Kelab Setia stall first then I went to the haunted house.
So the day started at 0915. So then also the yelling, buying-selling session were started. Most of the time there was at least two people at Kelab Setia stall. Because Liyana and me was ulang-alik-ing from Kelab Setia stall to the haunted house. Just to checking how's going. Well, I can see the 'ghost' were suffering; the hot air and irresponsible visitor. The were hitting the 'ghost'. Come on lah. I can hear the screaming form the haunted house again and again.
My cake at kelab setia was finished even the last piece we reduce the price. But those at 4 Bina's are not. Nine left.
After the day end, Sidang redaksi crew was the last one get home because we need to clean up the garage that we used for the haunted house. Clear the cloth, put away the sand and took up all of the tables.
For me we made a very big profit. So I'm very glad with that. Most of people like the haunted house. They're screaming like hell. Even the ghost inside were scared. Plus it was so hot inside the haunted house. The ghost were sweating like pig - not just them, me also!
I'm selling my note book at Aisyah's, and my cake at 4Bina's and Kelab Setia stall.
The day start with the assembly and all. The Form 1 and Form 2 students were needed at the field for some game and aerobic. Thought to join because there's chicken dance. HAHA. How I miss the camping. While the Form 3, Form 4 and Form 5 students gathered at Dataran Wawasan to hear Pn Sa'amah lecture. Most of the student who open stall, booth and all ,were busy doing last minute preparation. I was at the Kelab Setia stall first then I went to the haunted house.
So the day started at 0915. So then also the yelling, buying-selling session were started. Most of the time there was at least two people at Kelab Setia stall. Because Liyana and me was ulang-alik-ing from Kelab Setia stall to the haunted house. Just to checking how's going. Well, I can see the 'ghost' were suffering; the hot air and irresponsible visitor. The were hitting the 'ghost'. Come on lah. I can hear the screaming form the haunted house again and again.
My cake at kelab setia was finished even the last piece we reduce the price. But those at 4 Bina's are not. Nine left.
After the day end, Sidang redaksi crew was the last one get home because we need to clean up the garage that we used for the haunted house. Clear the cloth, put away the sand and took up all of the tables.
For me we made a very big profit. So I'm very glad with that. Most of people like the haunted house. They're screaming like hell. Even the ghost inside were scared. Plus it was so hot inside the haunted house. The ghost were sweating like pig - not just them, me also!
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