ps: description under the photo if there's one.
started at kl air base. abah buat korban untuk kami bertiga we were there until late noon.

it look like she's naging me.

distance make all the differences .

i was talking to one of my sisters.

look how the boy make use of the tree roots.

since when my sister's name change to nurul?
and she thought it sound nicer.

my lil' sister name also change.

it is rare to see my father eating like this.

early the afternoon, we went to ikea to look for some stuff. adik even bought the delicious shortbread. and we got the chance to eat at the restaurant of course.

shopping at ikea no matter in what clothes and shoes will always be tiring.
i almost sleep at the market hall.

look at along's..

and adik's faces.

we even met aiman there.

later in the evening we went to mama idah's house at bukit jelutong. we were there from about directly after maghrib until after midnight. along haven't see them in years. one thing i like about mama's house, it look like you're at a hotel.

with hugo.
i forgot to check if its male or female.

and this is miumiu.

this cat weight like a few months old baby.

behind there is uncle fadhil.
just a little introduction to the relationship.
uncle fadhil and abah was high school friends.
when abah went to work life, papa yahya turned out to be abah's boss.
when along and i were still little girl, mama and papa always bring us out along with abg zaki and abg zary.
that's how wo get close.

boredom kills them.

dua ni sangat mengada.

this is the jealousy face.

total gedik kan?

abah with papa.

mama with umi, talking about mama's bussiness.

baby in he tv room.

beside mama's mini garden. behind there were abang zaki.

thi is my fave chair in mama's house.

we were bored. it almost midnight.

it has been a very long time since she had her own cat.

she's abit geli with the cat.

one of mama's manik that caught adik's eye.

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aiman kerja kat ikea keeee?
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